Redtree Systems is an all-in-one inventory management system.

No more surprise missing inventory. There’s nothing worse than finding out you’re missing that key piece of equipment after you’re already at the jobsite. Leave your warehouse feeling confident that every box and loadout contains exactly what you expect it to.

Leave old school systems behind. No more dealing with barcodes, spreadsheets, or convoluted custom-built tracking workflows - each software deployment is developed around the workflow you use to save you time and money.

Reduce shrinkage and loss. Depending on your preferred level of inventory management, integrate with our ID system to manage who can check out what and when. Get regular reports on how much inventory is out in the field, what’s missing, and who had it last.

Implement once and forget about it. Each Redtree Systems tracking tag is unique and doesn’t require recharging, batteries, or updates. Our tags won’t fade in the sun or get worn out by abrasion.

Seamless check-in and check-out. Speed up your production. No more choosing between no inventory control at all and waiting for a single point of control to check out everything you need to get your job done. Use a system-integrated ID badge to swipe in to log all checked out items at once.

No more tedious annual inventories. Dreading inventory day? Scratch it off your calendar. With our multiple touchless inventory scanning options, you’ll know exactly what’s missing without having to pull out and count every single item you’ve got in storage.

Sliding scale subscription prices. We know not everyone has the same needs or budget, but everyone expects the same level of reliability and service. Work with our sales team to find a price point that works right for you based on where your company or group is right now.

Interested in Redtree Systems? We’re currently pre-sales but sign up here to be first in line when we begin implementations in 2024.